السبت، 23 يونيو 2012

A Magical Morning

Magical  Morning

I am going through a magical morning!! Do you know those mornings when everything seems to go right? Well, in my morning everything does not only seem to go right, it is really going magical and I thank God for it.
I woke up after a good night's sleep, rested and fresh and above all pain-free.  I don’t really remember the last time I woke up without pain, without having to drag myself out of bed and keep reminding myself I have to wake up and go about the daily routines, to remind myself that with the help of pain killers and medications I can still function and be of help to myself and my lovely kids.
It is not the time to dwell on pain and negative feelings; this is a magical morning and I will make every bit of it go as so.  First thing in the morning, while still in bed I remembered last night's dream in which I was talking to Abdulla in our living room.  My morning conversations with Abdulla, in reality, do make my days every day. There is that sense of unconditional love and acceptance and encouragement from his part that makes me feel life is worth living, that pain does not really matter as long as I can still be with him. If you are reading the blog regularly you probably know by now that Abdulla is my 20 year old son, basketball champion and engineering student; he is my hero, my biggest accomplishment in life; my pride and joy.
Well, let's go back to the magical morning I have which obviously was preceded by my dream about Abdalla, who is in Norway on a student internship right now.  In the dream, Abdalla had decided to come home, only four days after he travelled, which are the exact number of days he left Egypt. Of course, I was radiating happiness that he is back, sitting by my side and slightly touching my shoulder with his head in his lazy manner when he wakes up and finds me reading the newspaper on the big brown coach in our living room.
Was it dreaming about Abdalla that made my morning magical?  I know that he will be reading the blog and he won’t like me to say no about this.  No, I had another lovely one that contributed to my magical morning in her most sweet and insisting manner. Nora, my sweet little daughter and mother, had been insisting that I "must" read her favorite book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne; convincing me that it will change my attitude to life and help me get rid of all the pains.  To be honest, I did not believe her, I even mocked her: what does she know about pain any way? How can a book alleviate my pain when all the doctors and their medications and alternative therapy failed to do this for years and years?
Maybe it wasn't the book that helped me; it was Nora's attitude, her sincere desire to help me; her faith that things can be better every day and that life has lovely things to give for those who insist.
The book however helped me appreciate the things I took for granted every day and never thanked God for. Things as simple as having running water to shower in the morning, or a kettle to boil water for tea, or a cozy chair to sit into and relax, never crossed my mind as worth gratitude, despite the fact that without them my life can be pretty hard.  I prayed and thanked God for my lovely twins, for my whole family and for the little things that I see and use every day without paying attention or giving thanks.
As I started the lap top to check my mail, I found another very dear face that I missed for a week; my husband was on line, which he never have time to do that early in the morning!!  All my loved ones insist to show up this morning, Abdulla in a dream and Mohamed on Skype, what a lucky woman I am. later I stumbled into a dear friend that I haven't seen for a long time, Eman Akeel, on facebook, and added her to my list of friends.  
I opened the door to get the newspaper only to find another magical present in it. If you remember my earlier blog "The battle of the Swan Lake", it was there in front of me on the news paper, printed in my dear newspaper, Al Watan  in Mr. Mahmoud Salah's page, decorated with a beautiful picture of swans!!!! What a Magical morning.
 When I posted the Battle of the Swan's lake in the blog, it was the most popular of all the posts, and I had many comments about it that made me happy and ready to go on with the blog forever. But seeing my words in print, on my favorite newspaper felt more magical, more real, more accessible to wider readers who do not have the privilege of surfing the net and coming accidently across my dear blog. I wrote a letter thanking Mr. Salah, which I will post to the blog, and I forgot to send him more blogs in case he wants to publish other pieces. Well, this can wait; let me not ruin my magical morning with any passive ideas.
To top all the lovely incidents of my morning with a sherry, Allosh, my sweet Ali, woke up, earlier than ever and started his guitar training. Thus, I enjoyed his magical playing as I went through
 my daily chores. 
Then, OM Sherief showed up, earlier than usual, and brought with her a breakfast that I really craved for a long time but did not dare to eat: foul soaked in (El Zait El Har) and fried eggplants and oven hot (Balady) Bread. I made green salad to go with this "explosive"
breakfast and we shared a yummy meal and strong tea.
Unlike usual, I felt an urge to talk to someone right then. So I called two of my best friends, Nihal, who arrived from Tunis last night and Reem who left Saudi Arabia after 12 years of working there and finally came home.  How sweet it is to be surrounded by my loved ones.

Then, I made the brave decision to sit down and write this blog for
 my wonderful readers, with my energy in full bloom and my spirits soaring to the sky and I hope you will notice the difference.
 Is there any better "magical" ways to start the day other than this?
If you have other lovely ways to start a magical morning, please let me know, but for now I am content and thankful for all the people I have in my life and for all the blessings that God granted me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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