الاثنين، 4 يونيو 2012

The Avengers and our Great Victory

The Avengers and our Great Victory
"Mummy, Let's celebrate our great victory," the twins said triumphantly, holding their school certificates."
Yes, they did pass all subjects, even Arabic!!!!    That was enough reason for me to rejoice.  We decided to start the day with the cinema and then proceed with other activities in the mall that would definitely end with a crazy shopping spree that will ruin the budget for months.  But what the heck!  Let us rejoice, the twins do not succeed every day. They managed to defeat the evil books of math's and physics and chemistry and they deserve a day out as much as I do.
Both of them know I only watch comedies or romance because action or terror movies irritate me to the point of sickness. When I tried to be descent and asked them to choose the movie, they picked The Avengers and in 3 D. Can you imagine!!
It is not just that I freak out when I watch regular action movies, even the lame action movies like those by Ahmed Elsakka or Ahmed Ezz, let alone real American action. 
The movie is great, really. It has five or six superheroes instead of one:  Stark, the iron man, Hulk, the green man, Patricia some beautiful super spy,  Mr. America with special powers and Thor from outer space!!  What a happy woman I was to see them all together!!  .  All of these superheroes are busy beating and kicking and fighting one another in a desperate attempt to show their superiority which we already know until they join forces to defeat the evil Luky.  In 3D,  this makes you feel you are actually inside the battle, part of the struggle and you get your share of the blows and shots and missiles and all sorts of things are flying into your face for three hours. 
"So what is the big deal? It is an action movie isn’t it? " I can hear you saying.   The big deal is that I cannot handle any of the things that everyone else find fun and interesting and thrilling. Seriously,  I freak out at high sounds due to the nerves that raising four kids had damaged long ago.  With each blow, my muscles ached and stiffened and my nerves felt like electricity wires without insulation.
I seized the opportunity of the break and went out to calm down and relax for a while.  I stayed out as long as I could maybe I could save myself some battles or a few kicks and blows. When I went inside to find that the kids were already worried about me and believed I was lost but are still watching the great movie.  Anyway, the film ended with the expected triumph of the superheroes over the evil Luki and his army of metal dinosauric flying creatures.  Everyone is happy and clapping and no one can imagine what happened to me; I was damaged beyond repair.
Why I am telling this story?  Well, I have my reasons, and they are good ones too. First, I want to celebrate what my twins called their "great victory" and I am proud I did it their way and survived the trauma of the action movie.
Second, I want to advise all mothers to save themselves the trouble of attending such a movie. Believe me; you have enough action in your life with your kids, especially if they are tenth graders like my sweet twins!!!

Sent from my iPad

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